Thursday, January 13, 2011

Planet Gift Baskets- Green Ideas for the Planet: Is Working From Home A Greener Choice?

Planet Gift Baskets- Green Ideas for the Planet: Is Working From Home A Greener Choice?: "A constant debate is going on, is working from home a greener choice? Is it the right choice? Here are few positives and negatives. I'm afra..."

Monday, January 3, 2011

Great 2011 Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Kids!

While Valentine's Day gifts for kids use to be cards they received in their school class exchange now a days it is a great opportunity for faraway grandparents or near moms and dads to let their kids know they are loved, appreciated and are extra special people.  Why not?
Here are some great 2011 Valentine's Day gift ideas for Kids!
For mom and daughter (s) matching pajamas are a great gift idea.  You can often find these on the web and even at your local department store if you are lucky. If you sew what a great project of love and what a fun surprise as well.
A Valentine making gift basket is a great gift for girls and boys alike.  You can make your own full of red paper and pretty shaped scissors with glitter and foam art to make their very own beautiful and creative Valentines.  Or you can purchase a Valentine making kit in stores or find endless ideas on the web
A really fun idea is to order RED m&m's on from Mars and print your child's name on the yummy candy.  How fun and delighted they will be to open a jar full of candy with their very own name on it.  It may make them last a little longer and truly melt in their mouths.
An easy and inexpensive idea is to write down all of their chores on tickets you make from card stock.  Sign each one and let them know each is given with love.  They can redeem these tickets (one at a time) on days when chores feel like too much or they would much rather go to their friends house than feed the much loved dog they begged for.  What a fun way to model grace and serving your child.  Don't forget to decorate them with red hearts and a bag of candy to go with it.
Make a heart shaped pizza for your kids.  Decorate it with pepperoni in the shape of love.  This will make dinner more fun and let them know how much you love them.
A great idea is to let your child plan a Valentine date. It needs to be planned in the month of February but let them know it is a parent kid's time. Give them a budget, time frame and let them know you want to spend time with them.  Time speaks volumes to kids and will mean the world to them for years to come as well.
No matter what Valentine gift ideas you come up with for your kids remember to have fun and let them know not just on February 14th but each day that you love and cherish them.