Friday, April 29, 2011

How To Be A Great Guest

Years ago my cousin and her family of 5 came to visit. This was back in the days where I cleaned for days, made lists of things to do to entertain guest, and planned out the perfect meals. We both had little kids and it was a blast. I spent a ton of time and work getting ready for our guests. Now, when special guests arrive I am much more relaxed and remember it is okay to wait and vacuum after they leave. Along the journey of life, having guest and raising kids I learned some valuable lessons. One important life lesson was taught by my dear cousin.

My cousin gave me a wonderful thank you gift when she visited us. It wasn’t a tangible thank you gift like you may think. It was a gift from her hands and heart. When she was at our home she gave me a thank you gift in the form of offering her gifts. She has the gift of organizing and I do not. She got into my cupboards, cleaned and scrubbed and helped my toss things I thought I needed. I was humbled and so grateful. It meant the world to me.

She then went onto label my cabinets. Yep, she placed titles on each cabinet so we would know what went where. It was awesome. This didn’t take all of our fun time. But it did bond us together, made me smile that they were there and helped our household function better.

Using your talents to bless the family you are visiting can not only be a surprise for them but it will make you feel good too. And it doesn’t have to stop with you. Maybe your son can mow the lawn, your husband change a light bulb or teach their kids how to throw a ball. No matter what it is a thank you gift in the form of the heart is the best kind of all.

Finally, when my cousin left and I went to wipe down the bathroom and clean the sheets I found not sheets at all. She had placed them in the wash. And when I went to scrub the bathroom down I arrived to the greatest thank you gift of all. A sparkling, shiny, spotless bathroom. I actually cried after they left. I didn’t feel worn out and tired. I just felt blessed.

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