Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Explore Your Children's Interests With Them

A great way to spend quality time with your children is by taking an interest in the things they feel passionate about. For my children it is music. More specifically their stringed instruments. Just listening to my kids practice gives them such confidence. At times I interact with their instruments, much to their delight. They love seeing mom try to do something they do with ease. Since my kids are young taking them to the music store to see the more expensive instruments, asking questions and exploring the things they can add is a great way for me to get involved with their passion.

If you child loves animals, a trip to the shelter might encourage them. If your child enjoys cooking, finding a recipe and cooking it together  will give you some good quality time together. What if your child finds that books are their enjoyment? Read the same book and have your own book club at home. It's fun to find a common ground with your kids and keep the lines of communication open.

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