Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Span the Generations with Card Games

Some of my favorite memories growing up and even now as a mom with young children have been playing games with the extended family during the holidays. I love it when everyone, young and old, can sit around the living room or table and play a game that puts us all on equal ground. While kids love video games, grandparents can find them challenging and frustrating. A wonderful medium is card games like Uno and Skipbo, or games like Catch phrase and Would you Rather. These games can be played by many people at once or team up to make it more fun.

My family likes to play a game we call "dictionary". You would use the dictionary to look up a word you were sure most people did not know. Everyone was asked to write down a definition that could convince the other players that it was the correct one. Who ever got a vote for their definition got a point. The person with the most points won. We had more fun playing with a simple book and paper then any other game we could come up with. The creative and sometimes complex definitions that came up would have us laughing for hours. This game is a great way to get teens and their grandparents involved together.

During the holidays instead of the kids going off to play video games, and the grandparents heading into the living room to chat, why not pull them all together this year and play a game. Grow some wonderful memories for your family.

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