Wednesday, April 21, 2010

National No TV Week April 21-26th

A great event that wasn't running when I was a kid is National turn off your TV week. Of course maybe when I was a kid I wasn't watching as much tv as kids today either. So, why do we have a national no tv week? In todays information overload and technologically rich society many adults forget that they didn't grow up with all the screen time. There were no computers, video games, and endless cartoon networks. If you got up early on Saturday you might be lucky to catch a few cartoons, and then you were off to run around the neighborhood or entertain yourself with your imaginary army. When everyone sits in front of the TV to be entertained it cuts in to social interaction with family members and friends. Now, movies once in a while are fine, but they should be a treat, not the norm. National No TV Week is doing just that. Helping today's families see that there are many things you can do with your family and friends that do not involve the TV.

Will you participate?

Check out some great ideas at the Screen Time - Turnoff Week website. This website also several different links to some pretty hard to swallow data. Check out the Screens and Young Children article. While this site seems to be a little outdated, the forums are still going strong so check them out while you are then and chat with other parents about No Tv Week ideas.

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